
The Computational Hydrology team endorses the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion by providing a supportive and obstacle-free workplace for everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour or culture, sex or gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, religion, political or other opinion, national or ethnic/social origin, birth or other status (e.g., family and socioeconomic), in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and the University of Saskatchewan Guidelines for Academic Conduct. We recognize that preferred scientific approaches may differ for individuals and institutions, and rigorous yet constructive dialog about such differences are both welcome and encouraged.

Code of Conduct

The Computational Hydrology team is committed to providing a safe, positive, respectful, accessible, and non-discriminatory workplace for everyone. Harassment, sexism, prejudice, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Acts that are considered inappropriate, both in person or online, include but are not limited to intimidation (i.e. personal harassment), bullying and threats (i.e. physical harassment), sexual attention or comments and inappropriate physical contact (i.e. sexual harassment), racial and sexual slurs or jokes (i.e. discriminatory harassment). More specific definitions of harassment are provided by the University of Saskatchewan here.

What does Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion look like in the Computational Hydrology team?

The movement to improve our academic culture requires that everyone should be given opportunities that enable them to reach their full potential (equity), that disadvantaged groups flourish in the community (diversity), and that the institutional environment promotes participation, engagement, empowerment, and a sense of belonging for every team member (inclusion). Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a matter of common decency. Our strategy to ensure that the EDI culture thrives within our research team is built on the following principles:

Equity: The research environment is most effective if each team member has the opportunity for intellectual and personal growth.

>Click to read more For us, equity means that everyone has the opportunity to thrive. The team seeks to promote equity by taking positive measures that redress employment conditions that may be experienced by women in STEM, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and other disadvantaged groups.

Our approach to equity within our research team is to provide targeted opportunities for growth that are tailored to different individuals. Since each team member has different experiences, strengths, and ambitions, each team member will benefit from being exposed to different opportunities. As such, it is important to understand each team member’s strengths and career aspirations, while providing each team member with individual opportunities that enable them to reach their full potential. We ensure that opportunities are given to each team member in order to encourage and enable their professional and personal growth.

The targeted opportunities for growth take many forms. Examples are courses in high performance computing and programming languages, opportunities to mentor undergraduate students, courses in wilderness first aid and crevasse rescue, inclusion in meetings to plan large research projects, courses in science communication, opportunities to spend research time exploring unfunded research topics, courses on teaching, and courses on the Truth and Reconciliation journey in Canada. Members of the computational hydrology team have engaged in each of these growth opportunities.

Diversity: The research environment is most effective if it includes people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and world views.

>Click to read more Increasing diversity entails bringing people together with different backgrounds and world views. It requires supporting disadvantaged groups so that they can flourish in the community.

We have a recruitment and retention strategy that focuses on building and sustaining a diverse team. Our strategy includes flexible work hours, flexible work locations, and, importantly, being creative about how we tailor research positions to suit the skill set and interests of talented individuals. This strategy has attracted a diverse and gender balanced group onto our team. Prof Clark’s graduate course is open to students worldwide – the course in Fall 2020 included 93 students from 16 different countries. These diverse perspectives enrich every aspect of our collaborative research.

Through our efforts in mentorship, we strive to directly address the core EDI issue of the “leaky pipeline” where under-represented groups have a higher attrition rate in academia. Our approach is to provide a strong support network both within the University and internationally. Strong mentorship is clearly critical to help students and postdoctoral fellows thrive in their work environment and reach their full potential. Graduate students work together with postdoctoral scholars in an interdisciplinary Centre – this helps to build camaraderie and complementarity and helps students and postdocs teach each other. In addition to the support network within the University, we also provide students and postdocs with a strong support network across the international science community, deliberately fostering science collaborations with individuals who can contribute as their role models.

Inclusion: The research environment is most effective where all team members trust each other, support each other, and work together closely to help each other succeed.

>Click to read more In our research group we strive to create a positive and inclusive environment where all team members trust each other, support each other, and work together closely to help each other succeed. In contrast to the “hub-and-spokes” model that is prevalent in academia (i.e., where students interact primarily with their professor), we maintain a flat and collaborative organizational structure, forming sub-groups to make progress on challenging science questions. We ensure that all students and postdocs are intimately familiar with each other’s research, and critique each other’s work while providing substantive suggestions to improve the quality of our collaborative publications. The outcome of this strategy is a welcoming and supportive work environment where all team members thrive.

More generally, we are working with colleagues from Canada around the world to improve inclusion by building a welcoming and supportive modelling community. We are very pleased to see positive change in the international science stage over the past three decades. Years ago, we would prepare our team members for often confrontational approaches at scientific conferences that had no place in civilized scientific discourse. These confrontational approaches had the impact of disillusioning many excellent junior scientists. Nowadays, we have a code of conduct for scientific meetings that supports rigorous yet constructive dialog. We also have a new generation of scientists that are not afraid to intervene in toxic situations in order to advance a more productive discourse. We are proactive in ensuring that our scientific culture is centered around the concept that “a rising tide lifts all boats”, that the culture focuses more on collaboration than competition, and that all are welcome to advance our scientific capabilities. This inclusive environment promotes participation, engagement, empowerment, and a sense of belonging for everyone.

These principles recognize that advancing EDI improves the academic culture and the effectiveness of our research programs.

Advancing EDI

As we all work together to improve EDI, it is obvious that we require a continual process of learning. Everyone is coming to the table with a different set of experiences, the scientific culture is diverse, and we often need creative solutions in order to improve EDI in specific situations. Advancing EDI requires both training to improve core competencies and ensure that everyone has a common vocabulary; advancing EDI also requires extensive discussion and debate.

Our approach to advancing EDI goals is to ensure that our research group continues learning about EDI issues. We engage in the EDI events provided by the University and ensure that EDI discussions are a regular part of our group meetings. As an example, our team joined the Global Water Futures “Speaking Up” training that was focused on raising awareness on bias and helping team members gain the skills necessary to prevent and interrupt discrimination and harassment. The training was in two parts: The first part was a virtual screening of the film “Picture a Scientist” that provided disturbing examples of brutal harassment of women scientists; the second part used theatre techniques to engage participants in challenging situations in the workplace and show examples of effective strategies for bystander intervention. The team found this training quite powerful, and the training sparked extensive discussion among small groups. It was incredibly useful for everyone to receive the same training at the same time so that we have a shared understanding of problems and solutions. Many team members have also participated in the “4 Seasons of Reconciliation” course which provides Indigenous-focussed anti-racism training in line with the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Canada.

We hold a lab/team meeting focused on EDI-related issues once per semester so that we can build and nurture a cohesive research team that respects the strengths of a myriad of individuals to solve challenging research problems. These meetings focus more on discussion and debate. As an example, our team has recognized that many students and postdocs come from other countries and have limited awareness about the Truth and Reconciliation journey in Canada. To address this challenge, we engage in training opportunities that enable our students and postdoctoral scholars to learn more about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. A subset of our research group meets every two weeks to identify trainings and actions which they disseminate to the broader group, and to be a portal for people to voice opinions they prefer to share anonymously. Our team is also working to identify specific actions that we can take to improve Indigenous inclusion (e.g., land acknowledgement in research presentations and in journal articles). More generally, our approach to improve EDI is a continual process of reflection and action.

This is a living document. As we continue to grow and develop we will update this document to reflect our evolving EDI practices and the group’s activities.

Land/Territorial Acknowledgement

Members of the computational hydrology team come from different backgrounds and regions. We live and work on Treaty 6 and 7 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis, Tsuut’ina, Stoney, Ktunaxa and the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot). We thank these nations for their care and stewardship over this land and water. We pay our respect to the ancestors of these places and reaffirm our relationship with one another. The intent and goal of our research is to advance understanding and predictions of environmental systems in order to support conscious stewardship of the lands and water to safeguard the environment for future generations.

Additional resources

Canada Government, Best Practices in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research

USASK Guide to Discrimination and Harassment Prevention

United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Canadian Human Rights Act

Saskatchewan Human Rights Code

Alberta Human Rights Act


We seek to improve understanding and predictions of hydrological processes at scales from hillslopes to continents

Our Home

Coldwater Laboratory
1151 Sidney Street, unit 116
Canmore, Alberta, T1W 3G1, CANADA

We acknowledge we are on Treaty 6 and 7 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis, Tsuut'ina, Stoney, Ktunaxa and the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot). We pay our respect to the ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.